Voi hyvät hyssykät miten ihana matto!!!! Kuva on kummallinen ja tämä on aivan liian fiini ovenedusmatoksi, mutta nukethan eivät kuraa paikkoja ja muutakaan sopivaa paikkaa ei juuri nyt löytynyt, joten menköön. Matto on ohut ja tarkka ja pinta on aivan mahtava. Kiitos Nanna!
Oh my how wonderful this rug is! The photo is a bit odd and this is way too fine to keep in front of the door, but the dolls don't bring dirt with their shoes (or bare feet...) so here it is. It is so thin and delicate and precise and the surface is awesome. Thank you Nanna!
Gunvor oli piilottanut pakettiin Miinulle ruukkuja ja ovatpas kauniit. Kyllä kelpaa kevään tulla, kun voi puuhastella kukkien kanssa. Maalailin muita juttuja illalla ja sain Miinun saappaisiin vihdoin pilkut. Tuli aika kivat.
Gunvor gave Miinu planters and they are just beautiful. She's going to have a blast in spring planting away. I painted some other stuff last night and finally made the spots for Miinu's wellies. I like them like this.
So nice gifts! I love that doormat, so lovely pattern.
The boots are so adorable. love that dots!
With boots like that I wouldn't mind the rain!
Love the door mat, perfect for the Christmas season. And the planters are beautiful, these colours always do so well with foliage and flowers.
The boots are so cute and I love the door mat. :)
Where is that lovely chair from? I just love it. All the things you have gotten from the advent calendars are just the cutest.
Thank you!
Nasu, I made the chair. It's wire covered with plastic raffia. It has a criss-cross thin-string seat under the pillow. Very easy to make really. The wire does not have to be too neatly bended because it will be covered anyway and the plastic raffia is easy to manouver when binding around the wire. You should try it too!
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