Uusi kisu onkin vähän pulleampi kaveri. Esikuvansa on taasen hurjan paljon kauniimpi pullukka. Niinhän ne usein ovat, meilläkin on sellainen karvinen, että oksat pois.
The new kitty is a bit chubbier cutie. You should again see the real cat I tried to make this resemble. He's such a pretty big boy. They often are, housecats I mean. Ours is a kind of Garfield really, although I have not tried if he likes lasagne...

Sain erityisen palkinnon, jonka taustalla on koskettava tarina. Palkinto tuli Rosannalta, jolla on kaksi ihanaa blogia, toinen täällä. Hän on ihana ihminen, yksi anteliaimmista ja auttavaisimmista blogistaniassa ja se on paljon kehua se. Nukkekoti-ihmiset ovat ihania niin livenä kuin netissäkin. Kiitos Rosanna! Cesin, blogipalkinnon tekijän blogista voi lukea tämän taustaa.
Tiedän, ettei moni oikein ehdi näiden palkintojen kanssa puuhastella ja muutenkin tulisi niin kauhean pitkä lista blogeista, jolle tämän mielelläni antaisin, että nyt jää taas levittämättä eteenpäin. Pahoittelen...
I received a special and greatly appriciated award from Rosanna, who has two blogs now, the new one here. She's one of the most generous and helpful people around in the blogistania and that's a lot to be said. Miniature-people tend to be just wonderful in real life and also here. Thank you so much Rosanna!
Ces wrote:- I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted , accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger, whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomises all of these things.
I know that many people don't have the time and interest to post these awards and also I would need to give this to so many blogs that it would be really difficult to find all the links and such a long post about the things why I appriciate the blogs, so again, I will not pass this on. Sorry about that... Still pondering about what to do about this dilemma, because on the other hand, many do love to get these... and some don't... so for now I just post these and not pass them on.
Beautiful Hanna......so adorable.
Firstly, Hanna , I think your work is adorable :). Those tiger skin is a must have for any palace!I will check out your Etsy for sure. Thank you also for following my blog :). Looks like you and I both find it hard to pass the Bella award. I have decided I only have 1 bella as well.
Niin ovat kyllä esikuviensa näköisiä kumpikin. Ja etenkin tuo nimenomainen asento on meidän pojalle niiiiin tyypillinen. ;)
Suloiset katit, hurmaavat!!
Such pretty kitties! I'm going to check out what you have for sale!
Hola!!!!!!!Me encantan tus animalitos, me gustaria poder saber hacerlos, te quedan genial.besitos ascension
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