Minä olen nähnyt tovi takaperin komean, lähes sadan linnun kurkiauran. Upea ilmestys.
Miinu pitää monista japanilaisista jutuista, kuten ikebana, sushi, sake ja origami. Hän innostui taittelemaan kurkia koristeeksi. Aikoo pitää juhlat kun keittiö lopulta valmistuu. Taitaa vihjailla rakennusurakoitsijalle, että saisi alkaa jo...
I've seen a magnificent flock of cranes flying in spearhead formation above the lake a while ago. There were close to hundred birds and their voices filled me with a feeling that is a bit difficult to explain.
Miinu likes a lot of japanese things, such as ikebana, sushi, sake and origami. She folded some paper-cranes and wishes to decorate the kitchen with them for a party when it is ready. I think she is trying to give hints... I wonder if she finds the contractor a bit unreliable...
They truly look as if they are gazing at the wonder of the cranes!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
No huh huh...pinseteilläkö taittelit??! :D
Wonderful tiny cranes! I was playing with origami myself a few days ago...was thinking to look for more instructions to play some more too :)
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