Eilen tuli postista vielä salaisen ystävän lähetys, joka on kyllä semmoinen taideteos, että meni nahka kananlihalle. Sanat eivät riitä. Tämä muotokuva on valtavan voimaannuttava. Se on upea. Minä näytän onnelliselta ja vahvalta ja kauniilta ja ihan juuri itseltäni kuitenkin. Puku on ihana, leijona on ihana, asento ja asetelma on ihana, tausta on ihana. Tälläiset ystävät on rakennettu ihan erikseen jossain taivaissa ja heitetty tänne meidän tavallisten kuolevaisten sekaan tallustelemaan. Uskomatonta! Voi sitä taidon ja anteliaisuuden määrää... kuva ei tee oikeutta aarteelle, jonka sain.
Huom. Kyseessä on siis nukkekotiin sopiva maalaus.
I received another thing from my secret friend yesterday and I'm telling you this artwork gave me goosebumbs. The words are not enough here. This portrait makes me feel good about myself. It's gorgeous. I look happy and strong and beautiful and still exactly like me. I love the dress, I love the lion, I love the composition and my posture and the background. Friends like these are made in some heaven and put to earth to travel among us mere mortals. Unbelievable! I cannot believe the skills it takes to paint like this and the generosity to give a gift like this.
Oh, and yes, this is 1/12 scale painting.
That is a very personal piece of art if it makes you feel good especially! How lucky you are to receive such a lovely gift. Do you know/suspect who it is from?
Hi Lize!
I do know my secret friend already, guessed it earlier on and this painting is signed by the maker. This swap is a net-group's thing and we start guessing our friends at the beginning of March, so I cannot reveal the maker just yet. I will tell about her here at the blog too a bit later on...
What a beautiful gift, Hanna! Do you have a special place you plan to hang it?
Hi De!
Well, so far I've kept it on my shelf over the laptop where I also felt and knit and whatever, so that I can look at it every five minutes or so... ;o). I'm making this small gallery-space and am thinking whether to hang it in there or on the wall of my "family-house" where my miniature portrait-doll lives. Gosh I'm self-centered... ;o)
Amazing! Yes, you look beautiful and so relaxed with your gorgeous lion! This is wonderful--what a very talented friend!
Upea työ tuo taulu. Aivan onnellisen ja sievän mallinsa näköinen, asia tuli tarkistettua Tampereen messuilla.
Onpa mielettömän upea taulu, minkä olet saanut :O)
Uskomaton taideteos! Hennotko tuoda sitä näytille ensi kerralla kerhoon?
This is so unbelievably beautiful! What amazing talent!
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