Photos of the dollhouse Faunius as it is at this stage. Quite a lot of things to be done.
Ulkopuolelta. Outside of the house.
Sisätilat kalusteita vailla. Interior with no furniture.
Eteistä vähän mallailtuna. Seinäpinta kivimaalia, kengät Lotelta, laukku Cillalta, maljakko Larissalta ja taulu Heleenalta. Lattialla Aavan tekemä malli eteisen matosta.
Entrance with some accessories. The wall I painted with granite paint, shoes by Lotte, bag by Cilla, vase by Larissa and the painting by Heleena. On the floor there's my daughter's design for the rug.
Kukkia ulkoportailla. Flowers on the front steps.