Aika suttuista jälkeä, mutta silkki tuntuu ihanalta neuleenakin. Tämä on myös niistä Finiribbonin paksummista langoista. Kori on vahatusta pellavalangasta.
It's a bit messy, but the silk feels amazing as a knit too. This is from the thicker silk threads from Finiribbon. The basket I made from waxed linen thread.
Elmo kissa palasi omaan kotiinsa kreivin aikaan. Korkeat paikat ja nukkekodit alkoivat olla liian kiinnostavia. Hän kyllä väisteli oikein taitavasti pikkuesineet eikä hajottanut mitään. Elmo on erittäin kärsivällinen lasten kanssa. Ilme vaan kertoo, mitä mieltä hän on puuhkan esittämisestä.
Elmo the cat returned home just in time. He started to explore the high spots and inside the dolls houses. Luckily he was very good in avoiding the small things and broke nothing. He was also very very patient with kids. Only his face tells how he feels about playing the part of a stole.
Haa, sielläkin on kärpäsjahti menossa :-D
Ihania nuo minineuleesi, taas kerran.
Hello Hanna! The dress you have knit is beautiful. I like the doll too, she looks very modern with the "pinkish" hair. Poor cat, he only wanted to see your treasures in the dollhouse ;) Is that your daughter on the picture? She is very sweet and lovely too!!
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.
Have a great weekend, hugs, Ilona
Kauniit värit neulemekossa.
A very lovely dress!
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