Keräilemme molemmat Pirtin asukin kera lasisia paperipainoja. Olen ostanut tuon perhosmallisen omaan kotiini Tallinnasta ja vihdoin löysin sopivan lasimollukan, jotta saatoin tehdä samantyyppisen myös Pirttiin. Tykkään kovasti.
We both collect glass paper weights, me and the lady from Pirtti. I found the butterfly-weight from Tallinn some time ago and now I found a suitable glass blob to make a miniature version for Pirtti, but with flowers. I like it very very much.
One of the challenges for a miniaturist is making a tiny version of a big object. Your tiny paperwheight is just beautiful.
Fantastic! You always make so lovely items!
Le ha quedado precioso,felicidades.
Besos - Rosa
Very well done! I love it :)
Warmest wishes, Jollie
Gorgeous paperweight! Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
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