My fingers seem stiff and big, since it's been a while since I've made anything small. Cilla makes the most amazing fans of tiniest feathers. I've got one of hers, but wanted another so made one of pidgeon neck feathers. It's a bit clumsy, but I like how it's shiny emerald or pink, depending on the light.
Muuten sujuu talvisesti. Meillä on kylmää ja kaunista. Tytär otti eilen Leena-nuken mukaan hiihtoretkelle. Nukke on ollut aikanaan minun leikeissäni ja nyt se on taas oikein rakastettu ja hyvässä hoidossa.
Otherwise it's very wintery, beautiful and cold. Yesterday we went skiing and Aava wanted to take Leena the doll too. I used to play with her and now she's well taken care of and loved again.
Ihanan ylelliset viuhkat.
Miten olikin kutsuva kuva hiihtämään...
Very beautiful fan. Congratulations!
That is a VERY pretty fan!
Happy New Year to you
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