Grrr... tiikerintalja on hidas tehdä. Nämä ovat aina siirtyneet muiden juttujen alta, mutta tässä on yksi pitkästä aikaa valmistunut. Susanna siirtyy jonossa kärkeen valokuvaussession takia, mutta seuraavana on tulossa taljat Heleenalle ja Raijalle... pahoittelen kovasti viivytystä...
Grr... tigerskinrug is a pain to make, it's so slow. I've made other things instead of these, but here's one ready. He's going to Susanna's Glencroft asap, there's a photoshoot coming... Next ones are for Heleena and Raija... sorry about the delay with these...
Mielettömän upea talja.
WOW!! Hanna, you are amazing, that looks fantastic!
I LOVE YOUR TIGERS!!! Incredible!!! Are you selling these??? They're amazing!!!
Oh Hanna this is wonderful! I too love tigers and would like to know if you're selling these?
Grrrihana onpi tuo! :D
I commented in the wrong space, was trying to say how wonderful the tiger is ♥
I love anything feline, but your tiger is truly amazing! Very good features!
What a great idea! Love the beaded teeth :)
Hurrrrrrrrrjan ihana!
PERFECT!!!!!! I LOVE IT TO BITS !!!!!from tail to teeth, I love it!
Just lovely!
That tiger skin rug is awesome! Looks so real!
Wau, miten upea, niin uskomattoman oikean näköinen!
Weel, it is amazing how real it looks!! Wonderful
Ihana Tiikeri! Odottelen kiltisti omaani.
Aivan mielettömän upea ja ihana talja!! WAU !! :D
Please can I buy one?
Hugs from Wawamum (flickr)
Törkeen hieno tiikeri
T:Tami ja Sanna
Törkeen hieno tiikeri!
T.tami & Sanna
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